Level 3 processing is a set of specific additional line-item detail data (item descriptions, quantities, tax detail, etc.) that both VISA and MasterCard like to receive on business type transactions along with the required standard transaction info (account #, exp. date, etc.)
Integrated Mobile Payments
Quickbook Integration
Card on File
USB Capable
Recurring Billing
Product Manager
Certify PCI
eCheck processing
Accept transaction from multiple merchant IDs in the same payment gateway and virtual terminal
Report Filter based on merchant ID
Transaction Fee
Electronic Invoicing
Fraud Tools
Load Balancing
Level 3 processing
Integrated Mobile Payments
Quickbook Integration
Card on File
USB Capable
Recurring Billing
Product Manager
Certify PCI
eCheck processing
Authorize Retail
Transaction Fee
Authorize.net will charge transaction fee to Non-FirstData merchant
Electronic Invoicing
Fraud Tools
Load Balancing
Level 3 processing
Integrated Mobile Payments
Quickbook Integration
Card on File
USB Capable
Recurring Billing
Product Manager
Certify PCI
eCheck processing
Authorize e-comm
Transaction Fee
Authorize.net will charge transaction fee to Non-FirstData merchant