“My experience with Moneck Payment Solutions, with the help from merchant account consultant Baltazar Rodriguez, has been exceptionally valuable, rewarding, and priceless. I couldn’t ask for a better company to begin my business venture, than with Moneck Payment Solutions. ” ~ Rajvindra Bhatia, BHATIA BIZ
100% reliable and reputable credit card processor
The company I started, Bhatia Biz, needed a key component in the E-commerce world we live in, and that component was to have a 100% reliable and reputable processor. With the Moneck platform, I am able to utilize and manage key deposits and expenses with their MyMerchantOffice portal. Having this valuable tool can alleviate the burden of bookkeeping, especially in my line of work. Thanks to Baltazar for introducing me to the Moneck Platform.
The beginning setup for my business type was rather difficult. The business model, IT Tech-Support via the internet, is considered to be a high-risk across the board. As a matter of fact, I was quite certain my application would not get approved, since I wanted to apply through the normal channel, and not high-risk. Baltazar understood the nature of my business, and assessed the situation. After careful analysis, he believed in my work, and made added effort to eventually have my application approved.
I am now accepting credit card payments, and having a payment gateway would not be possible without the pinnacle level of assistance I received from Baltazar. He represents the company he works for quite well, fulfilling dreams, Beyond the Transaction!
Rajvindra Bhatia
5720 BOZEMAN DRIVE, # 11502
Plano, TX 75024