ANSWER: Moneck Merchant Services & Payment Solutions supports many different types of businesses. We help many start-up companies, entrepreneurs and businesses get approved for merchant account’s even with no previous proven credit history or even if they have a negative credit history. However, without a solid credit history or high credit scores, it can be […]
What Is A Chargeback Fee For Merchant?
ANSWER: Watch the following video and learn how to avoid chargeback fee or find the tips here.
What Is A High Risk Merchant Account?
ANSWER: A High-Risk Merchant Account is a special type of merchant account that can be an online businesses such as a high priced e-commerce store, or an offline business such as a pawn shop or a law firm. High-risk businesses can include online gambling, online dating, software/hardware sales, and others.
Moneck Payment Solutions
Welcome to – the ultimate resource for accepting credit card transactions either online, on a wireless smartphone, or over the phone and mail order. Our payment gateway guru is standing bye to fulfill your online transaction need’s and will help you save money running a successful business online and offline.